Other presets

Other presets

Presets don’t just apply to the Brush tool. You can use them to remember your settings for every tool.

Another preset I I use fairly often is my ‘SmudgyBlurryDabble’ blender
You should have noticed by now that the default smudge tool is horrible but it can be turned into a nice blender with some alterations

-        Look through your brush files and a fairy round paintbrush stroke, like this one: 

-        Select the smudge tool (R or SHIFT + R until you see the finger icon), right click and select the same brush tip

-        Click on the brush settings (These numbers are just a rough guide because I don’t know what brush tip you’re using)

-        My diameter is about 60pixels. It’s easy to change this from image to using the {} buttons but try to pick the size that will usually fit the image size you usually work with (I rarely work bigger than 2000px in either dimension)

-        Set the spacing to about 20% or less.

-        In ‘Shape Dynamics’ set the angle jitter to 100%

-        In ‘Scattering’ set the scatter to about 250% on both axes and set the ‘count’ to about 3

-        In ‘Other Dynamics’ set the Strength to ‘Pen Control’

This image shows the effect that this preset has on three blocks of color. The’ Before‘  image shows the size of the smudge brush used.

A Preset like this can be hard for some computers to manage in real-time so reduce your ‘Scattering’ amount and ‘count’ settings until it runs smoothly.

Save the smudge presets the same way you saved the brush presets.

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