How to duplicate Layer
How to duplicate Layer
Drag any layer (including the
background layer) to the create a new layer button. This creates a duplicate
layer and adds the word ‘copy’ to the right of the new layer name.
Choose the duplicate layer command
from the layers palette menu or layer menu. Creates a duplicate and adds the
word ‘copy’ to the new layer name
From the top menus choose Layer
>New>Layer via copy or press Command +J / Ctrl+J ( mac / Pc) with no
selection active. Crates a duplicate and adds the word “copy” to the new layer
With two images open, click on a
layer in the layers palette and drag to the currently inactive image. Hold the
shift key on the keyboard while dragging to center the image in the image you
are dragging in to. Creates a new layer in the second document with the same
name as the layer in the originating document.