Locks and Masks

Locks and Masks

Use locks prevent modification or movement of a layer. Use masks to hide parts of layers without altering the original layer.

-        Create a new image (Ctrl+N) and then a new layer (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N)
-        Delete the Background layer.

-        Using a large soft brush and black as your colour, click in the middle of the image

-        Click the first lock. This is the TRANSPARANCY lock (shortcut / key). Choose a new colour and a smaller brush and start painting. The transparency is preserved from when you applied the lock.

-        Apply a strong Gaussian blur to see the that the colour information within the shape is affected but not the transparency of the pixels.

-        Click the second lock. This prevents all pixel modification. Blur effects etc are disabled.

-        Click the third lock this locks the layers position. You can click the second lock again so that pixel modification is allowed but the position of the layer remains fixed.

-        Click the last lock to lock all the previous properties.