Photoshop Tutorials For learners
- Easy Photo Tricks This series focuses on beginner tricks for digital photos easy in Photoshop or Elements
- Easy Exposure Tricks When the image is too dark, these tricks can really help get the right exposure quickly
- Flash Corrections Dealing with flash problems can be frustrating -- with layer masks and these tips, deal with flash fall-off
- Digital Step Wedge Solve testing and analysis problems without wasting print paper or inks - digital step wedge
- Photoshop and the Motion Blur add drama to two photos using Adobe Photoshop motion blur filters -- directional and radial motion blur
- Creating Photoshop Mirror Reflections... how to create the realistic mirror surface reflections of an isolated image -- as popularized by Web 2.0, and Apple iPhone marketing.
- Put another person into that photo What happens when you have two photos of two people and you need to join them into a single photo? Follow along
- Creating your own Custom Drop Shadows The pros know you need to know how to produce realistic drop shadows by hand -- generate shadows for multiple surfaces, and projection distances
- Creating Black & White from Color another of those frequent questions from the Photoshop 911 emergency room gets answered by expert Barry Huggins
- Balancing the light in Night Scenes night shots can use this single-step lighting adjustment.
- Saving Photos: Dark, Under Exposed when it looks too dark to save, before trashing the photo, try some of these tricks!
- Gradient Maps A Photoshop 911 reader asks how a certain 'tinted' look was achieved in some sample photos... it looks like a gradient map adjustment layer was put to good use!
- Matching Color A Photoshop 911 reader asks how the "Match Color" function works to save two of his photos. Match Color works great -- sometimes. When it doesn't, you have to look for other solutions.
- Collage Mosaic several readers have asked about breaking apart a single photo so it looks like a collection of snap shots. Here we show the "SLICE" method, and in Collage Mosaic Part Two we'll show a more casual random method.
- Outlining Type: Right or Wrong: This tutorial points out the wrong and right ways to outline shapes, like typography, in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
- Levels Masking - Using the Levels Adjustment Layer to spot lighten or darken portions of an image
- Photo Pop - Select a portion of a photo to pop out of a frame... it's easy when you've got layers
- Photo Filters - Photo Filter Layer in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements is the Photo Filter that acts like the traditional photo filters
- Separations - Separations for screen printing made easy
- HEX Color Problems - Hex colors from Photoshop don't match in browsers
- Sequential Photos - putting together photos to simulate a sequential multiple-exposure
- Making Frames - Making complicated frames and matting is a matter of many easy steps
- Warping Images - Using Photoshop to Warp images to a surface or shape
- Transform Vectors - Changing the shape of a Photoshop vector object with the Direct Selection Tool
- Wood Carving - Using Photoshop to carve lettering into wood
- Changing Colors - Change color of an object, then apply a logo
- Fix Old Photo - Restore the color of an old photo using Photoshop Adjustment Layers
- Clipping Paths - Clipping Paths with holes for donuts
- Save Shadows - Replace white background and retain shadows
- Layer Masks - Layer Masking used in joining images for Montage
- Mirror Image - Using flip to mirror an image
- Simple Watermarks make and automate them
- Custom Shapes become watermarks
- HEX Color Gif a very basic tutorial on obtaining an accurate HEX color in a GIF file for use on the web.
- Watermarking more on the topic of watermarking
- Paint-in Color
- Image in Type
- Article: Clipping
- 5 Texture Tips - learn the key ingredients to great textures
- Rain Effect Tutorial a nice animated Rain Effect sent in by Colossus
- Making Black/White in Photoshop for converting color images to good black and white images by Richard Schneider
- Match color from another photo - Before combining two photos, how to get them to match color values
- Getting the Ansel Adams Look - Is it a color photo? You'll need the channel mixer or levels
- Cloning Tool Stopped Working - I am having problems with the cloning tool on photoshop 7
- Scaling to match another image size - Scaling to an exact target size is tricky... and should never enlarge!
- Resetting Dialogs in Photoshop - if Photoshop seems to be misbehaving
- PS 7 rejects Scanner - hello? where did my scanner go???
- Color Photo from Black and White - to and from black and white tips and tricks
- Help removing white backgrounds - How do I get rid of the White background in my forum sig?
- How to pick up an exact color... - How do you select an exact color to match?
- How to fix a corrupted file - Crashing during a "SAVE" is not a pretty picture
- Hot spots too bright - Flash flare and hot spots can cause problems. Here's one way to solve the problem...
- Photoshop picks only black or white - When I go to pick my colour, it will only be Black-white
- Replacing Body Parts - How do you match the color in photos before swapping faces...
- Multiple Scan Assembly - How do you assemble multiple parts of an oversized scan?
- Photoshop Elements for Sepiatone - Give a photo the "old fashioned" look with sepia toning
- Lost scanner contact - Photoshop can't find my scanner!
- How to restrict the file to just TWO colors? - Trying to build a 2-color ad
- Clone Stamp Problems in CS - Here the Clone Stamp Tool seems to have a life of its own, and doesn't catch new samples...
- How do you create an artistic border? - Creating artistic borders
- How to achieve Black/White with Color Detail - How to achieve Black/White with Color Detail
- How to select Hair - The 1,000th person has asked how to select hair
- How do you merge pictures and text? - trying to merge 2 pictures and text
- Photoshop Text Runarounds? - How do I create text runarounds in Photoshop CS
- Sizing Images for Print in Elements - This reader wants help sizing images to gang print onto single photo paper sheets...
- Copying Saving from Disk to Disk - Problems cutting and editing images from disk to disk
- How to fix a corrupted file - Crashing during a "SAVE" is not a pretty picture
- Optimizing graphics for the Web - Can you direct me to a tutuorial on how to optimize photos I wish to publish on my website?
- Fading Photos - Use Feathering or Layer Masks
- Grid Patterns over Photos - Multi colored, grid over art - painstaking process
- Pen Tool in Photoshop CS - Why can't you draw an "Open" path
- Photoshop and Error 39 - NOT Photoshop!/li>
- Automating the Healing Brush - lots and lots of dust spots
- Burned Holes in Photoshop
- Help recall Filter Settings... Reapplying filter effects
- PS Bevels by hand
- PS helps Faded Photo two scans?
- Making round corner rectangles in Photoshop
- Hot spots in photo (Flash Burn)
- Adding Fill Flash in Photoshop
- Removing Date Stamps from Photos
- Mismatched resolution causes problems
- Making round corner rectangles in Photoshop
- Get Rid of White Backgrounds? Classic question!
- Aging Photos: What would they look like today?
- Custom Gradients? break out of the defaults
- Annoying Gray Boxes? Careful what you click
- Selecting Wrong Colors? Eyedropper Spread Trick