Colorful Light Burst Text
Written By Steve Patterson In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial , we're going to see how to engulf text in an explosion of light and color. There's quite a few steps involved in this text effect, and we'll be using a couple of filters that are not used very often in everyday Photoshop work, but creating the text effect is quite simple and the end result is definitely worth the effort. Here's the text effect we're going for: Let's get started. Step 1: Open A New Photoshop Document Open a new document in Photoshop by going up to the File menu and choosing New... , or by using the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+N (Win) / Command+N (Mac). You can choose your own width and height for your document, but if you want to follow along, I chose the 640x480 size from the list of available presets to keep things simple. I've also left my Resolution value set to its default of 72 pixels/inch . Since I'm creating this text effect for the web, it makes no difference w...