
Showing posts from July, 2011

Photoshop Keybord Shortcut

Keybord Shortcuts After using photoshop for a while, you get tired of going through the menu to click on filters/process you use a lot. Unlike Actions which play sequences of process, Keybord shortcuts control only single processes. Setting up a shortcut for the motion blur filter: 1.      In the menu bar goto Edit -->  keybord shortcuts or press Ctrl+Shift+alt+K Before you go gurther, click the drop-down menu beside “shortcuts for” and the subfolders of each one to see that you can set up a shortcut for any process / tool selection etc. 2.      To set up a shortcut for motion blur, goto: Shortcuts for: Application menu -->  filter -->  blur -->  motion blur 3.      When you click motion blur, a shortcut field opens beside it. Choose your shortcut by typing. 4.      It you try to pick Ctrl+M for example (the shortcut must include...

Photoshop and some Useful things

Working faster in photoshop and some less useful things. Actions – Condense a sequence of process into one button 2.       Keybord shortcuts  – Apply shortcuts to frequently-used process 3.       Batch processing  – automate multiple process to many images at once 4.       Locks and masks  – protect alpha ( transparency ) information from alteration and focus on painting paint alpha information using the paintbrush 5.       Path follow  – Apply paintbrush settings to vector paths 6.       Brush presets  – save complicated brush settings for different effects 7.       Selections  – Use the select tools to copy alpha information

Photoshop Actions

Using Shortcuts with Photoshop "Actions"  Use photoshop actions to condense a sequence of process into one keystroke Here’s simple and useful example, making a crop to selection action : 1.      Create a new image ( Ctrl+N ), any size. 2.      Press M to select the “ MORQUEE ” selection tool and make a selection. 3.      In the menubar, Click on “ Window à Actions ”. When the pallet appears, you should click the menu arrow at the top-right and choose “ DOCK THE PALTTE WELL ”. Its more convenient to keep the pallets you use most often there. Newer versions have a slightly different system but the idea is the same.   4.      At the bottom of the actions palette, click the folder icon to make a new set and giveit a name, then click ok.   5.    Beside the folder icon, click “ create new action ” 6.    Give...

Creating posters with Photoshop

Creating posters with Photoshop can be a lot of fun and there are unlimited opportunities. In these design you’ll learn some new ways to enhance your Photoshop skills while creating posters for all kinds of purposes.

Creating posters with Photoshop

Creating posters with Photoshop can be a lot of fun and there are unlimited opportunities. In these design you’ll learn some new ways to enhance your Photoshop skills while creating posters for all kinds of purposes.

Creating posters with Photoshop

Creating posters with Photoshop can be a lot of fun and there are unlimited opportunities. In these design you’ll learn some new ways to enhance your Photoshop skills while creating posters for all kinds of purposes.

Complete Photoshop Tutorials

Photo Retouch By The Photoshop - Watch the top videos of the week here Photoshop Sketch Effect Tutorial - A funny movie is a click away Amazing Matrix Scheme In Adobe Photoshop Watch How Its Done - For more funny videos, click here